What Are Sound Effects in Film? 

While they may not be thought of as the most important element in filmmaking, sound effects are often the backbone of great films. From adding a hint of suspense to enhancing the comedic action in a scene, the right sound effects in film can transform the entire viewing experience, creating a robust and interactive film.

How to Use Sound Effects in Film

Choosing the right sounds and incorporating them at the right moment can significantly impact the overall film experience. Sounds are often broken down into the broad categories of diegetic and non-diegetic. Diegetic sounds make up the sounds and broader world that the characters experience and live in. These could be everything from the dialogue to atmospheric noises like falling rain. 

Meanwhile, non-diegetic sounds are sounds that only the audience experiences. These can be voice-over narration to add background context to a scene or a mournful musical score that plays as two lovers part.

Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you can use sound in film in several ways. One way is by using spot effects, which highlight one thing that happens in the movie — like a gunshot. Filmmakers and sound designers could also incorporate pre-recorded effects or Foley, which is a type of post-production sound that's manually made using specialized tools. 

How Sound Effects Impact Films

Because sound can bring a film vision to life, it is one of the most impactful elements in any genre of film. Sound can be used for everything from informing a setting to creating the world that characters live in. The right music score can immerse the audience in the story and bring each scene to life. 

Sound design impacts many different elements in a film, from grabbing the audience's attention to highlighting action to creating a seamless transition between scenes. With the right mix of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, you have the potential to influence the audience's emotions and hold their attention from start to finish. 

Our Sound Finishing Services

At Motion Picture Enterprises (MPE), we offer exceptional expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and post-production solutions to help you create unforgettable and moving films. With our remote hosting services, you can achieve all of your post-production needs — all without leaving the house. 

We rely on a new infrastructure with multiple dedicated internet circuits and firewalls to keep post-production running efficiently and securely. You can count on our sound mixers to deliver your sounds on time. With our post-production and IT engineers available 24/7, you'll also be supported throughout the process. 

Ready to Bring Your Film Vision to Life?

At MPE, we have the remote resources and services needed to create cinematic masterpieces. We take pride in serving as a one-stop shop for post-production. No matter the film genre or types of sounds you're interested in incorporating, we are committed to making your vision a reality. 

Give us a call at (212) 245-0969 or reach out online today to get started. 


What Is Post-Production?